AmazonBasics Pet Training and Puppy Pads, Regular and Heavy Duty

Posted By: Admin - February 19, 2020

If you’re considering bringing a puppy into your home, one of the items you’ll need to have is puppy pads. Puppy pads could help make your life easier, reducing messes and clean-ups from potty training incidents. However, the cost of puppy training pads could add up quickly. You’ll want to find a product that is of the highest quality while also affordable. Below, we’ve provided a breakdown of one such potential product, Pet Training and Puppy Pads from AmazonBasics.Pet Training And Puppy Pads From AmazonBasics

Customers interested in purchasing AmazonBasics’ Pet Training and Puppy Pads will find that there are numerous buying options from which they can choose. Customers can buy as few as 25 pads and as many as 150 pads. They could also choose from four strength options:

    Heavy Duty Regular
    Extra Large
    Heavy Duty Extra Large

These pads have a 4.1-star rating on Amazon with more than 7,800 customer reviews. Of those who reviewed the product, nearly 65 percent gave it a five-star rating.

    Plastic border prevents spills and outflow
    The pads turn to absorbable gel when liquid is placed on them
    Plastic lining prevents leaks


    Some customers indicated the product was too thin for their dogs
    Lack of odor resistance could cause a room to smell
    Some customers noted that their dogs did not like using the pads

Our Verdict

AmazonBasics’ Pet Training and Puppy Pads are a worthwhile option for those who are looking for an indoor bathroom product for their dogs. AmazonBasics designed these pads with five layers, which could help minimize messes.

The first layer is an anti-streaming quilted pad, which lays on top of an absorbent sheet. Below the sheet is a polymer core that turns into an absorbable gel when touched by liquid. Below the gel is a solid locking layer that prevents fluid from seeping through the bottom of the pad. There is also an additional protecting layer on the bottom of the mat. All mats come with a plastic border on the exterior, which could further reduce the likelihood of spills.

For the most part, customers seemed to be satisfied with this product’s ability to control accidents and messes. Some customers did note that the product was too thin for their dogs. It’s imperative that you purchase the ideal-sized mat for your dog. AmazonBasics says that regular-sized training pads are for puppies, while the Extra Large Pads are for bigger dogs. A Regular pad measures 22” x 22”.

The company also added an attractant to the pads so that dogs are encouraged to use the mats when they need to go to the bathroom. The results of this appear to be hit-or-miss. Furthermore, the attractant does not have any odor control. Customers must tend to these mats somewhat quickly if they wish for their room not to smell.

Cost And Warranty

The price of the product varies significantly depending on which size the customer orders. Customers can purchase a pack of 100 Regular pads on Amazon for less than $20. The more pads that a customer orders, the more the price-per-pad decreases. For instance, when ordering 150 Regular pads, the overall cost is around $29, saving customers a few cents on the per-pad price.

AmazonBasics offers a one-year warranty on these pads. The warranty is not exclusive to these pads, however. It is the standard one-year warranty that AmazonBasics provides on all of its products. We could not find information or reviews from customers who had attempted to return the product.
About AmazonBasics

AmazonBasics is a subsidiary of Amazon. The company seeks to provide high-quality, everyday products at an affordable price.


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